Institute for Advanced Study

Man and Society

The Institute for Advanced Study of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań is a unit undertaking interdisciplinary research,  from the perspective of law, in the field of the most crucial topics for man and society – research combining, among others, representatives, especially of sociology, philosophy, psychology.

The essential bond between man and society is expressed through work. Therefore, the issues of work, in a natural way, characterize to a large extent the activity of the Institute. The Institute aims not only at an interdisciplinary but also an international approach.

Życie Uniwersyteckie, 1.07.2021: Wyjść poza praktykę  

Le développement de sciences humaines attentive à l’infinie diversité des langues et des façons de penser est un enjeu stratégique dans
le contexte de la globalisation, qui tout à la fois déstabilise les sociétés et les oblige à s’ouvrir aux autres. Comprendre ces mouvements de fond est au moins aussi important que la détention de tel ou tel grand équipement de recherche en physique. 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Alain Supiot

The development of human sciences attentive to the infinite diversity of languages and ways of thinking is a strategic challenge in the context of globalization, which both destabilizes societies and forces them to open up to others. Understanding these fundamental changes is at least as important as acquiring valuable research tools in physics.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Alain Supiot

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